Numerical Methods and Machine Learning for Differential Equations with Applications in Python#

John Butler#

This website consists of Python code corresponding to the TU Dublin School of Mathematics and Statistics Msc module Numerical Methods and Machine Learning for Differential Equations. The aim of this module is to equip the learner with the knowledge necessary to implement computational techniques related to finite-difference methods and machine learning method for differential equations.

During the first part of the module the learner will be introduced to the theory and practice of common techniques for the numerical integration of ordinary differential equations with initial conditions. Second part will of the module the learner will be introduced to the application machine learning methods to estimate the solution of linear and non-linear ordinary differential equations. Software tools (python) will be used to implement the numerical and machine learning methods

Learning Outcomes#

  1. Derive and apply a range of finite difference methods for solving differential equations for initial and boundary value problems.

  2. Describe the stability, consistency, and convergence properties of various numerical integration schemes for different practical problems.

  3. Explain the differences between various numerical methods for the integration of differential equations and identify the conditions under which they are an appropriate choice.

  4. Describe and apply machine learning methods to approximate the solution of differential equations.

  5. Use numerical packages to solve differential equations and interpret the results.

Indicative Sylabus Numerical Analysis; Finite-differencing techniques; Stability analysis; Explicit Runge-Kutta methods, multi-step methods, shoot method, convergence, consistency and stability analysis, linear shooting methods.

Machine Learning: Non-linear shooting method, Newton Raphson method; Gradient Descent; Loss functions; Norms, Forward and Back Propagation; Neural Network, The Universal Approximation Theorem for Neural Networks.

This is the JupyterBook for the code

Part 1 Numerical Solutions to Ordinary Differential Equations#

Chapter 1 Numerical Solutions to Initial Value Problems#

  • Euler Method applied to Linear Population Equation

  • Euler Method applied to Non-Linear Population Equation

Chapter 2 Higher Order Methods#

  • Taylor Method applied to Non-Linear Population Equation

Chapter 3 Runge–Kutta methods#

  • Runge Kutta Methods

  • Runge Kutta applied to Population Equations

Chapter 4 Multi-step methods#

  • Adam-Bashforth Method (explicit) applied to Population Equations

  • Adams-Moulton Method (implicit) applied to Population Equations

  • Predictor-Corrector Method

Chapter 5 Analsyis of Methods for Initial Value Problems#

  • Consistency

  • Convergence

  • Stability

  • Further Notes on Consistency, Convergence and Stability

Part 2 Boundary Value Problem#

Chapter 6 Boundary Value Problems#

  • Linear Shooting Method

  • Non-Linear Shooting Method

  • Finite Difference Method

Chapter 7 Integrate and Fire Example#

  • Application of different methods to the Integrate and Fire differential Equation

Part 3 Machine Learning methods for Differential Equations#

Chapter 8 Artifical Neural Networks#

  • Newton Raphson

  • Gradient Descent

  • Convergance of Gradient Descent

  • Perceptron

  • Artifical Neural Networks

  • Feed Forward

Chapter 9 Universal Approximation Theorem and Backpropagation#

  • Cost Function

  • Backpropagation Simple ReLU network

  • Backpropagation Sigmoid network

  • Backpropagation General ANN

  • Universal Approximation Theorem in action

  • Universal Approximation Theorem Proof Outline

Chapter 10 ANNs and Differential Equations#

  • Fitting Noisey Data

  • Estimating Differential Equation Parameters

  • Applications to Differential Equations

Essential Reading#

[1] Brunton, S. L., & Kutz, J. N. (2019). Data-driven science and engineering: Machine learning, dynamical systems, and control. Cambridge University Press.

[2] Iserles, A., 2008, A First Course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations, Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics.

Supplemental Reading#

[1] Strogatz, S. (2014) Nonlinear dynamics and chaos: with applications to physics, biology, chemistry, and engineering (studies in nonlinearity), Westview Press; 2 edition

[2] Bradie, B., (2006). A Friendly Introduction to Numerical Analysis. Pearson Education India.

[3] Atkinson, K. E., & Han, W. (1993). Elementary numerical analysis. New York: Wiley.

[4] Burden, R. L., Faires, J. D., (1997). Numerical Analysis. Brooks/Cole

[5] Stoer, J., & Bulirsch, R., (1980). Introduction to Numerical Analysis. Springer-Verlag

[6] Smith, G. D., (1992) Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations:Finite Difference Method. Oxford

[7] Sirca, S., Horvat, M., 2018, Computational Methods in Physics: Compendium for Students, Second Edition, Springer ISBN: 978-3-319-78619-3

Academic Papers#

Brunton, S. L., Proctor, J. L., & Kutz, J. N. (2016). Discovering governing equations from data by sparse identification of nonlinear dynamical systems. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 113(15), 3932-3937.

Cybenko, G. (1989). Approximation by superpositions of a sigmoidal function. Mathematics of control, signals and systems, 2(4), 303-314.

Dufera, T. T. (2021). Deep neural network for system of ordinary differential equations: Vectorized algorithm and simulation. Machine Learning with Applications, 5, 100058.

t Hart, B., Achakulvisut, T., Adeyemi, A., Akrami, A., Alicea, B., Alonso-Andres, A., … & Vishne, G. (2022). Neuromatch Academy: a 3-week, online summer school in computational neuroscience. Journal of Open Source Education, 5(49), 118.

Lagaris, I. E., Likas, A., & Fotiadis, D. I. (1998). Artificial Neural Networks for Solving Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 9(5), 987–1000.

Lee, H., & Kang, I. S. (1990). Neural algorithm for solving differential equations. Journal of Computational Physics, 91(1), 110–131.

Lusch, B., Kutz, J. N., & Brunton, S. L. (2018). Deep learning for universal linear embeddings of nonlinear dynamics. Nature communications, 9(1), 4950.

Meade, A. J., & Fernandez, A. A. (1994). The numerical solution of linear ordinary differential equations by feedforward neural networks. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 19(12), 1–25.

Paszke, A., Gross, S., Massa, F., Lerer, A., Bradbury, J., Chanan, G., … Chintala, S. (2019). PyTorch: An Imperative Style, High-Performance Deep Learning Library. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (pp. 8024–8035). Curran Associates, Inc. Retrieved from

Supplementary Video Lectures#

Strogatz. S., (2021, March 1). Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos - Steven Strogatz, Cornell University [Video]. YouTube.

Brunton, S. (2023, July 17th) Dynamical Systems (with Machine Learning) Playlist.

Bramburger, J. (2023 September 1st) Data-Driven Methods for Dynamic System

Neuromatch Academy: Deep Learning


Strogatz, S. (2019-2021). Joy of X. Quanta Magazine.

Strogatz, S. (2022-). Joy of Why. Quanta Magazine.

In Our Time, (2014). e, BBC Radio 4

Deep Mind: Podcast,

The Function Room (2021-)

Brain Inspired (2018-)


Butler, J. S., (2023), Course Playlist